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We're lucky as event professionals to benefit from a variety of lovely invitations to experience educational fam trips, and engagement with a variety of suppliers. Do always bear in mind, that these should be seen as an investment in your industry knowledge and not simply a jolly. Fred, our resident flamingo has some golden rules on etiquette for #eventprofs...

Etiquette for EventProfs

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Always RSVP to invitations, irrespective of whether you can attend or not, and no matter how busy you are. If a host has been kind enough to include you and send you an invitation, the least you can do is take the time to reply. Put the date of the event in your diary so you don't forget and set yourself a reminder at least 10 days in advance should your circumstances change,


Don't get a reputation going to the opening of an envelope & consider carefully whether you will be able to deliver a decent ROI at some point in the future for your hosts - no matter how attractive the invitation or fabulous the itinerary. Your hosts will have invested in the event or fam so whilst an industry education is important, always think ROI.


Don't be late, or the person that keeps all of your fellow event professionals waiting. It's rude and unprofessional, and if you are abroad, adjust your watch to local time! Never ever be a no show - it's rude and very unprofessional. 


Remember to let your hosts know if you have any serious or specific dietary requirements - this will enable you to avoid any issues whilst on your fam or hosted event - and avoid any hunger pangs and wasted food. Don't be picky for the sake of it and do try new dishes if you get the chance! 


Hospitality is a big investment for hosts and host venues, so make sure you are attentive and engage with your hosts at all times. Take part in show rounds, ask questions and be polite and respectful at all times. 


Make sure you respect any local customs or traditions and if you are not clear, check with your hosts. Make sure you pack appropriately as well, especially for all weathers or sensitive site visits.


Always send a note of thanks and complete any evaluations post event. Feedback is really important for suppliers and helps them shape future events or programmes. If your experience has any negatives, offer constructive advice. 


Don't ever assume or adopt a sense of entitlement #eventprofs. We work in a very generous & hospitable industry so be kind, be respectful and always remember that good manners cost nothing.


Circumstances do sometimes change, and especially at present you may need to cancel last minute. Don't hide behind an email, pick up the phone and notify your hosts asap - and if you can, find someone else to take your place - or offer to reimburse any core costs. Don't be a no show! It's rude and you will start to get a reputation...


Make sure you read, in detail, any information supplied by your hosts - and if you are not clear, double check. Better to be prepared than to miss out - be it dress code or suitable footwear - or travel details, arrival times. 


Do a little forward planning - you are in events after all! Make sure your passport is up to date and that you have valid travel insurance if you need it. See who else is going and if its an International Trip, maybe arrange to share if you are travelling to the airport - or be famtastic and offer your fellow event profs a lift.


Even if you are fully hosted, make sure you take some dosh with you, to pay for drinks, tips and any extras.  Pay your own extras and don't assume someone else will pick up the bill. No one likes a skinflint, so pay your way please.


Take lots of photos and share positive experiences on social media - so that your hosts can see you are enjoying the fam - and help them generate interest in their venue or destination. Share details with your colleagues and industry associates. 


Know your limits and be sensible with alcohol. You don't want to make a fool of yourself, or miss any of the next days activities or appointments due to a hangover.  Additionally, if you don't like what is being served, politely ask about an alternative or offer to buy your own drinks.


Share any experiences with clients at an appropriate time and ensure you at least put the location or venue on their radar for future events. Always remember the ROI!


Life is short, but there is always time for courtesy!

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